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Paint automation


Centralized dust collector

Categories:Paint automation


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厂家生产 质优水性涂料真石漆自动化 各种型号自动化设备 可定制.jpg

Centralized dust collector is mainly used for dust collection at multiple collection points, is to concentrate many dust production points or even the dust production points of the whole workshop or the whole plant into a dust removal system for processing: centralized dust removal is suitable for dust production points are many, relatively concentrated, and the amount of dust at each point is large, and the nearest dust production points of the same nature are connected with pipelines, sharing a dust collector to form a centralized dust removal system, mainly used in the centralized dust removal of multiple powder feeding ports (stations) and feeding ports. The time sequence controller or PLC is used to start the pulse solenoid valve locally or remotely to clean the filter bag dust, and the level meter automatically prompts the employee to discharge.